UniSenai PR Timeline

A success history

Innovation at the center of everything  

UniSenai PR's trajectory begins much earlier than we imagine and is marked by significant achievements...  

The National Industrial Learning Service (Senai) was created in 1942 by President Getúlio Vargas to meet a national need: labor training for primary industry. At the time, it was clear that without professional education, there would be no industrial development for the country. Since its creation, the institution has trained millions of workers. It is recognized as the most significant professional education complex in Latin America, with a flexible structure comprising several operational units in all federation states.  

In Paraná, Senai was established on March 12, 1943, and is an entity of the Fiep System - Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná. The institution has more than 50 units distributed throughout Paraná. It maintains Institutes of Technology in the most diverse areas of industrial activity, in addition to the Senai Institute for Innovation in Electrochemistry, the first in the country, and the Institute for Innovation in Structural Engineering. It offers technical and technological solutions and provides consultancy services, industrial laboratory tests, and technological support. The institution has the country's largest private network of integrated laboratories and supports innovation development in cooperation with industry.  

Education is one of the pillars of Senai, which offers initiation courses, industrial learning, qualification, improvement, technical courses, and undergraduate and postgraduate courses. UniSenai PR was born with the mission of training qualified professionals to drive development and generate innovative solutions for the industrial sector. With a vision focused on the industry's future, our courses are created to integrate theory and practice, consistently placing innovation at the center of all our academic activities. Now, as a University Center, we focus on higher engineering courses, beginning a new phase to share our eight-decade tradition of teaching excellence.  

We are part of an integrated Fiep System education strategy to prepare new talents for the job market through:  

  • Undergraduate Courses (Technology, Bachelor's and Degree);  

  • Postgraduate Courses (MBA, Specialization and Masters); 

  • Free and Extension Courses. 

UniSenai PR students have a modern structure for their training. There are four campuses for face-to-face courses, with large classrooms, libraries, and equipped laboratories, in addition to numerous distance education centers spread across Paraná. Added to this structure is the extensive experience of an entity that has accompanied and contributed to industry development in Paraná and Brazil for more than 80 years.  

By building a past with solid values, it was possible to establish a present of victories and structure a promising future for the industry through education.  

Linha do tempo


Inauguração do Senai para atender com excelência a indústria paranaense, nas áreas de educação e inovação.


Ocorreu a assembleia geral de instalação da Fiep.


Inauguração da Fiep para servir e fortalecer a indústria com representatividade.


Reconhecimento formal da Fiep pelo Ministério do Trabalho.


Inauguração do Sesi para apoiar a indústria, os trabalhadores e familiares com soluções em educação e segurança e saúde.


Filiação da Fiep à CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria.


Inauguração do IEL para levar conhecimento, gestão e empreendedorismo às indústrias, por meio da educação e da inovação.

Janeiro 2011

Instituído o Sistema Fiep para desenvolver ainda mais a indústria e o Paraná, atuando fortemente nas áreas de representatividade, inovação, educação e segurança e saúde.

2º semestre de 2012

Início das atividades da antiga Faculdades da Indústria e atual Centro Universitário Senai.

Innovation at the center of everything  

UniSenai PR's trajectory begins much earlier than we imagine and is marked by significant achievements...  

The National Industrial Learning Service (Senai) was created in 1942 by President Getúlio Vargas to meet a national need: labor training for primary industry. At the time, it was clear that without professional education, there would be no industrial development for the country. Since its creation, the institution has trained millions of workers. It is recognized as the most significant professional education complex in Latin America, with a flexible structure comprising several operational units in all federation states.  

In Paraná, Senai was established on March 12, 1943, and is an entity of the Fiep System - Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná. The institution has more than 50 units distributed throughout Paraná. It maintains Institutes of Technology in the most diverse areas of industrial activity, in addition to the Senai Institute for Innovation in Electrochemistry, the first in the country, and the Institute for Innovation in Structural Engineering. It offers technical and technological solutions and provides consultancy services, industrial laboratory tests, and technological support. The institution has the country's largest private network of integrated laboratories and supports innovation development in cooperation with industry.  

Education is one of the pillars of Senai, which offers initiation courses, industrial learning, qualification, improvement, technical courses, and undergraduate and postgraduate courses. UniSenai PR was born with the mission of training qualified professionals to drive development and generate innovative solutions for the industrial sector. With a vision focused on the industry's future, our courses are created to integrate theory and practice, consistently placing innovation at the center of all our academic activities. Now, as a University Center, we focus on higher engineering courses, beginning a new phase to share our eight-decade tradition of teaching excellence.  

We are part of an integrated Fiep System education strategy to prepare new talents for the job market through:  

  • Undergraduate Courses (Technology, Bachelor's and Degree);  

  • Postgraduate Courses (MBA, Specialization and Masters); 

  • Free and Extension Courses. 

UniSenai PR students have a modern structure for their training. There are four campuses for face-to-face courses, with large classrooms, libraries, and equipped laboratories, in addition to numerous distance education centers spread across Paraná. Added to this structure is the extensive experience of an entity that has accompanied and contributed to industry development in Paraná and Brazil for more than 80 years.  

By building a past with solid values, it was possible to establish a present of victories and structure a promising future for the industry through education.  

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0800 648 0088

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